Friday, September 3

Drum Lesson 1: Dissecting the Drumset

  When I was first immersed into the world of percussion instruments, (namely the drumset) I freaked out. I had no experience whatsoever and was being piled with stuff I had no clue about, and constantly forgetting which one is the ride and which one is the crash ride can be really annoying when practicing. So for your sake, I'm going to completely break down the drum set for you and label each piece with as much information as I can.

So first off, let's identify the main parts of a drum set.

  1. Snare - Probably the most important drum in a drum set. Produces a sharp, snapping sound.
  2. Left rack tom - Used mostly for fills. Usually tuned to produce the highest pitch.
  3. Right rack tom - Used mostly for fills. Usually tuned to produce a medium pitch.
  4. Floor tom - Used mostly for fills. Usually tuned to produce the lowest pitch.
  5. Bass kick - The lowest sounding drum, the bass kick is essential for that heart-pounding feel.
  6. Hi hat - Consisting of two cymbals, the hi-hat is the most important cymbal in a drum set.
  7. Crash Ride - Usually hit on bow, great for louder performances, accompanies a distorted guitar excellently
  8. Ride - Usually hit on the rim, good for softer playing.
    Anything I missed? Think I should add something? Need some clarification? Let me know!

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